
Monday Dec 16, 2024
Monday Dec 16, 2024
As Christmas approaches, it's easy to get lost in the festivities. However, the true essence of Christmas lies in the joy, love, and salvation brought by Jesus Christ. The angel's announcement to the shepherds was a proclamation of great joy, offering hope and salvation to all who believe. This joy is not just seasonal but a lasting transformation that comes from receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Monday Nov 18, 2024
Monday Nov 18, 2024
Are we living out authentic faith or just going through the motions? Discover the six woes of Jesus in Luke 11 and challenge yourself to genuine generosity, seeking God's approval, and living transparently. #Faith #Jesus #Luke11 #AuthenticFaith

Monday Sep 30, 2024
Monday Sep 30, 2024
Feeling discouraged in your prayer life? Discover the power of persistence and boldness in prayer from Luke 11:5-13. How can you keep asking, seeking, and knocking with confidence? #Faith #Prayer #TrustInGod

Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Welcome to the second season of DiscipleLife, with your host, Pastor Carlos Garduño, and FBC Devine's Lead Pastor, Pastor Dan Newburg. We invite you to join the conversation on the text covered during the Lord's Day @ FBC Devine.
How does the Gospel message compel disciples to make disciples? What is the difference in the lives of genuine disciples of Jesus compared to others? Why do orthodox Christians practice evangelism as an expression of faith and God's sovereignty? Join us as we talk about fishing for men!
Send your questions to "Ask the Pastors" by following this link: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/people/forms/484652.
We invite you to subscribe to our latest channel, "Pulpit & the Word: The Teaching Ministry of FBC Devine." You will have access to the sermons taught from FBC Devine's pulpit weekly. Accessible anywhere podcasts can be found! Follow the link: https://pulpitandtheword.podbean.com.
Following this link for all special events at FBC Devine: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/registrations
We invite you to visit First Baptist Church of Devine, Texas, and to check our social media presence:
Website: www.fbcdevine.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FirstBaptist...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fbcdevine/
Thank you for listening to this week's episode! #SoliDeoGloria #SolusChristus #SolaScriptura #SolaFide #SolaGratia #ChristianLife #Discipleship #RealTalk #ChristianTalk #FaithTalk #2023 #DiscipleLife

Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Welcome to the second season of DiscipleLife, with your host, Pastor Carlos Garduño, and FBC Devine's Lead Pastor, Pastor Dan Newburg. We invite you to join the conversation on the text covered during the Lord's Day @ FBC Devine.
What is authority? Where do we get superior claims to truth? What has the highest priority in life? The person of Jesus Christ, God incarnate, is the answer to these questions and more!
Send your questions to "Ask the Pastors" by following this link: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/people/forms/484652.
We invite you to subscribe to our latest channel, "Pulpit & the Word: The Teaching Ministry of FBC Devine." You will have access to the sermons taught from FBC Devine's pulpit weekly. Accessible anywhere podcasts can be found!
Follow the link: https://pulpitandtheword.podbean.com. Following this link for all special events at FBC Devine: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/registrations
We invite you to visit First Baptist Church of Devine, Texas, and to check our social media presence:
Website: www.fbcdevine.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FirstBaptist...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fbcdevine/
Thank you for listening to this week's episode! #SoliDeoGloria #SolusChristus #SolaScriptura #SolaFide #SolaGratia #ChristianLife #Discipleship #RealTalk #ChristianTalk #FaithTalk #2023 #DiscipleLife

Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Welcome to the second season of DiscipleLife, with your host, Pastor Carlos Garduño, and FBC Devine's Lead Pastor, Pastor Dan Newburg. We invite you to join the conversation on the text covered during the Lord's Day @ FBC Devine.
During this episode, we focus on Jesus's declaration of the ministry He would accomplish during his earthly ministry and the response to his claims from the first listeners of this message of hope. How have you responded to God's message of hope?
Send your questions to "Ask the Pastors" by following this link: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/people/forms/484652.
We invite you to subscribe to our latest channel, "Pulpit & the Word: The Teaching Ministry of FBC Devine." You will have access to the sermons taught from FBC Devine's pulpit weekly. Accessible anywhere podcasts can be found!
Follow the link: https://pulpitandtheword.podbean.com.
Following this link for all special events at FBC Devine: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/registrations
We invite you to visit First Baptist Church of Devine, Texas, and to check our social media presence:
Website: www.fbcdevine.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FirstBaptist...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fbcdevine/
Thank you for listening to this week's episode!
#SoliDeoGloria #SolusChristus #SolaScriptura #SolaFide #SolaGratia #ChristianLife #Discipleship #RealTalk #ChristianTalk #FaithTalk #2023 #DiscipleLife

Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
Welcome to the second season of DiscipleLife, with your host, Pastor Carlos Garduño, and FBC Devine's Lead Pastor, Pastor Dan Newburg. We invite you to join the conversation on the text covered during the Lord's Day @ FBC Devine.
During this episode, we focus on the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, the impact of God's contending with Satan, and how Scripture has a place in how we relate to God and fend off temptation through Jesus Himself.
Send your questions to "Ask the Pastors" by following this link: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/pe....
We invite you to subscribe to our latest channel, "Pulpit & the Word: The Teaching Ministry of FBC Devine." You will have access to the sermons taught from FBC Devine's pulpit weekly. Accessible anywhere podcasts can be found!
Follow the link: https://pulpitandtheword.podbean.com.
Following this link for all special events at FBC Devine: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/re...
We invite you to visit First Baptist Church of Devine, Texas, and to check our social media presence:
Website: www.fbcdevine.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FirstBaptist...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fbcdevine/
Thank you for listening to this week's episode!
#SoliDeoGloria #SolusChristus #SolaScriptura #SolaFide #SolaGratia #ChristianLife #Discipleship #RealTalk #ChristianTalk #FaithTalk #2023 #DiscipleLife

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Welcome to the second season of DiscipleLife, with your host, Pastor Carlos Garduño, and FBC Devine's Lead Pastor, Pastor Dan Newburg. Please welcome Miss Sidney Weyel to the panel this week! We invite you to join the conversation on the text covered during the Lord's Day @ FBC Devine.
During this episode, we focus on the implications of Jesus's resurrection and what it means to be a resurrection people in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!
Send your questions to "Ask the Pastors" by following this link: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/people/forms/484652.
We invite you to subscribe to our latest channel, "Pulpit & the Word: The Teaching Ministry of FBC Devine." You will have access to the sermons taught from FBC Devine's pulpit weekly. Accessible anywhere podcasts can be found! Follow the link: https://pulpitandtheword.podbean.com.
Following this link for all special events at FBC Devine: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/registrations
We invite you to visit First Baptist Church of Devine, Texas, and to check our social media presence:
Website: www.fbcdevine.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FirstBaptist...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fbcdevine/
Thank you for listening to this week's episode!
#SoliDeoGloria #SolusChristus #SolaScriptura #SolaFide #SolaGratia #ChristianLife #Discipleship #RealTalk #ChristianTalk #FaithTalk #2023 #DiscipleLife

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Welcome to the second season of DiscipleLife, with your host, Pastor Carlos Garduño, and FBC Devine's Lead Pastor, Pastor Dan Newburg. Please welcome Miss Sidney Weyel to the panel this week! We invite you to join the conversation on the text covered during the Lord's Day @ FBC Devine.
During this episode, we focus on the meaning of Jesus's resurrection and what it means. Jesus Christ is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!
Send your questions to "Ask the Pastors" by following this link: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/people/forms/484652.
We invite you to subscribe to our latest channel, "Pulpit & the Word: The Teaching Ministry of FBC Devine." You will have access to the sermons taught from FBC Devine's pulpit weekly. Accessible anywhere podcasts can be found! Follow the link: https://pulpitandtheword.podbean.com.
Following this link for all special events at FBC Devine: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/registrations
We invite you to visit First Baptist Church of Devine, Texas, and to check our social media presence:
Website: www.fbcdevine.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FirstBaptist...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fbcdevine/
Thank you for listening to this week's episode!
#SoliDeoGloria #SolusChristus #SolaScriptura #SolaFide #SolaGratia #ChristianLife #Discipleship #RealTalk #ChristianTalk #FaithTalk #2023 #DiscipleLife

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Welcome to the second season of DiscipleLife, with your host, Pastor Carlos Garduño, and FBC Devine's Lead Pastor, Pastor Dan Newburg. Please welcome Miss Sidney Weyel to the panel this week! We invite you to join the conversation on the text covered during the Lord's Day @ FBC Devine.
During this episode, we focus on the resurrection of Jesus, and we begin to discuss the implications that life after death has in the lives of individuals. Jesus Christ is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!
Send your questions to "Ask the Pastors" by following this link: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/people/forms/484652.
We invite you to subscribe to our latest channel, "Pulpit & the Word: The Teaching Ministry of FBC Devine." You will have access to the sermons taught from FBC Devine's pulpit weekly. Accessible anywhere podcasts can be found! Follow the link: https://pulpitandtheword.podbean.com.
Following this link for all special events at FBC Devine: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/registrations
We invite you to visit First Baptist Church of Devine, Texas, and to check our social media presence:
Website: www.fbcdevine.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FirstBaptist...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fbcdevine/
Thanks for tuning in for this week's episode!
#SoliDeoGloria #SolusChristus #SolaScriptura #SolaFide #SolaGratia #ChristianLife #Discipleship #RealTalk #ChristianTalk #FaithTalk #2023 #DiscipleLife

DiscipleLife: The Bible & Everyday Life
The purpose of every disciple who confesses their sins and needs a Savior is to spread the good news of Jesus' birth, life, death, resurrection, and His return.
This podcast aims to help you to taste and see that the Living God is very good.
Send your questions to "Ask the Pastors" by following this link: https://fbcdevine.churchcenter.com/people/forms/484652
#SolaFide #SolaGratia #SolaScriptura #SolusChristus #SoliDeoGloria